Frequently Asked

Questions, Comments & Doubts

  • This is a classic example of how we have been conditioned to stay small-minded and not acknowledge or embrace our true potential.

    Consider this:

    In 2019, Latina-owned businesses earned an average revenue of $50,900 vs. $142,900 among all women-owned businesses.

    It’s easy to believe when there are so few examples of brown women making bank as their own CEOs. It’s easy to post an inspirational quote on Instagram, but it’s quite another to feel confident in charging what you know your products and services are actually worth. Every business that solves a pain point for someone and is pursued with true passion can be wildly successful. Latinas are just as smart, driven, creative, and just as hard-working as any other woman (or man).

    As long as we keep thinking small, that’s the only result we will get. You have so much potential. I know because I am you.

    For Latinas and women of color, it just takes an experienced amiga that connects with you and shares your life experience to help you see your potential, then helps you build a plan to achieve it.

  • New things are scary and intimidating sometimes. No matter how much detail I give here, you’ll probably still be a little apprehensive. I would feel unsure too!

    That’s why I want to assure you this is a totally chill experience. What is most important to me is finding out if/how I can be of service to you.

    Latinas are the lowest paid people — whether they work for someone else or have their own business.


    We deserve more. We deserve better. I’m going to do my part because we Latinas deserve it.

  • It works how you need it to! We’ll sit down and talk about what you are doing now and what your goals are. If you don’t have specific goals yet, that’s okay! We can figure it out together.

    Private clients will receive a customized experience of coaching and consulting, depending on their unique needs.

  • Oh yes, there is. But who has the time? And how do you know what you believe? This is part of the value of having a consultant — if I don’t know the answer or I can’t help you solve your problem, I definitely know a professional I can reach out to for help. Success in business is not just about knowledge, it’s about being in the right network. Google is good but real-life relationships are better.

  • Well, here is the truth about business coaches and consultants – anyone can call themselves a coach or consultant. There are some good ones, some bad ones, some coaches that are just okay, and some that are totally unqualified. Some coaches have specialized training, and some don’t. So how do you know who has the goods?

    I've been successfully working with small businesses for over 15 years, in marketing and in the banking industry. I loved my day job and was paid very well. I founded La Jefa Status because serving Latina entrepreneurs and women of color is my life’s mission. Serving you is what fulfills me.

  • OMG, girl. This is a no-judgment experience! Of course, there’s stuff to learn; that’s what I’m here to help you with. We all start at the beginning. Be proud of what it took to get you to this point, and celebrate! I will celebrate with you and help you kick it up another notch! This is not about focusing on what you haven't done, this is about building upon all the hard work, ingenuity, passion, and courage you've invested in yourself and your business. I pledge to you that I will enter our shared space without judgment.

  • How much money did you spend on your unsold inventory that you now have to discount? How much have you spent on marketing or branding that you don’t use anymore? I can’t tell you whether or not you can afford the cost of the private client experience, but I can tell you I will do everything I can to make sure you have the knowledge, enthusiasm, and tools you need to create positive momentum in your business. Yes, it’s an investment. The question is, when will you decide you are worthy?

  • Boo, if that’s how you feel, you are on the wrong website. For the record, I’m here to serve all marginalized people, womxn, people of color, LGBTQIA+, differently-abled — everyone. But Latinas are the least paid people, so that’s why I am starting where I am. If anyone else wants to jump on because they are passionate about closing the pay gap, then I am here for it.

    But if you think helping those who have suffered the most is racist, then this ain’t the place for you. Best of luck.